Veregy Takes on Run for the Trees / Happy Little (Virtual) 5K

April 23, 2024

On Earth Day this year, the Veregy Indianapolis team laced up their running shoes and participated in a 5K with a meaningful twist. Embracing the spirit of the iconic “Happy Painter” Bob Ross, known for his love of nature, the team embarked on the Run for the Trees / Happy Little (Virtual) 5K. This virtual event, originally initiated by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources in 2020, had expanded its reach, inviting states like Indiana to partake. The theme resonated deeply with the team as they ventured outdoors, not just for fitness, but to support initiatives aimed at preserving the natural world. By contributing to the event’s proceeds, earmarked for projects dedicated to forest health, tree planting, and combating invasive species in Indiana State Parks through the Indiana Natural Resources Foundation (INRF), the Veregy team championed environmental conservation in action. With each stride taken amidst the serene landscapes of their local Fort Harrison State Park, they not only celebrated Earth Day but also embraced a collective commitment to nurturing and protecting the planet for future generations.”


Full Event Information:

Inspired by “Happy Painter” Bob Ross’ love of the outdoors, Indiana State Parks and the Indiana Natural Resources Foundation (INRF) are partnering with the Michigan DNR to stage the virtual Run for the Trees / Happy Little (Virtual) 5K between Earth Day and Arbor Day. The virtual event was started in 2020 by the Michigan DNR, which is inviting other states to participate this year. In Indiana, proceeds will be used to fund projects at Indiana State Parks related to forest health, tree planting, invasive species removal, and other stewardship-related projects through the INRF. Participants, who will be encouraged to do the run/walk/hike outdoors at ANY State Park property. Learn more:


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