Seize the Opportunity: A Market Update on Funding, Incentives, Lead Times, and Costs

January 25, 2024

By Garry Montgomery, PE, LEED AP

In these dynamic times, the industry landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and as your trusted energy services and facility improvement partner, we want to ensure you’re well-positioned to harness the benefits available to you. There has never been a more opportune moment to take decisive action to transform your energy usage, thanks to the abundance of federal funding and incentives currently available.

Federal Funding Opportunities

The Inflation Reduction Act, ESSER funds, and a host of other grants and incentives are now accessible, presenting a unique window of opportunity for organizations like yours. These funds are designed to support initiatives that enhance energy efficiency and improve facilities for your stakeholders. By capitalizing on these financial resources, you can significantly offset costs associated with energy and facility improvement projects, making your journey towards comfortable, efficient, high-quality environments for your community even more attainable.

Attractive Return on Investment

Our diverse range of offerings ensures that your investment in energy solutions yields a remarkable return and a positive cash flow. The current landscape is conducive to realizing substantial returns on your capital investments, with the potential to alleviate various financial pressures in today’s market including higher interest rates, increasing energy costs, and rapid inflation. We understand that every dollar counts, and with our tailored solutions, you can enjoy continued positive cash flow, making your capital improvement projects financially savvy.

Material and Staffing Costs

Now is the time to act because material and staffing costs will never be as low as they are now. Seize the moment to embark on energy conservation and facility improvement projects that align with your organization’s goals. As demand continues to rise, driven by incentives and an increased focus on environmental responsibility, taking action now ensures that you secure the most favorable terms for your projects.

Our Commitment to Your Success

As your energy services partner, we are committed to keeping you informed and empowered to make decisions that drive your organization forward. Our team is equipped with the expertise to navigate the intricacies of federal funding, lead times, and material costs, ensuring you make the most of the available opportunities. Let us work together to design a customized solution that not only meets your needs but also aligns seamlessly with your financial objectives.

Experience the Veregy difference with no change orders, the widest variety of solutions, rapid procurement vehicles, and ongoing cloud-based service offerings. As an industry leader with exceptional client satisfaction, we are dedicated to providing fully customized solutions that go beyond what else is available in the marketplace. The stars have aligned for organizations like yours to take the leap toward a sustainable and cost-effective future. Act now to capitalize on federal funding, attractive returns on investment, and the current costs of materials and staffing that are likely to rise in the future.

Veregy is ready to help you simplify and accelerate your energy transition. It all starts with one easy step – contact our team today!

Veregy, LLC, is not a legal, tax, investment, or financial advisor, nor does Veregy directly finance any projects. Veregy, LLC’s content is for informational purposes only; any content readers should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice. Regardless of anything to the contrary, nothing available on or through Veregy LLC’s business practices should be understood as a recommendation that an individual or organization should not consult with a legal, tax, investment, or financial professional to address their particular circumstances.

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