CalSHAPE Ventilation and Plumbing Programs
Deadlines extended!
- The final program reporting deadline is extended to October 31, 2026.
- Funding Round Five application deadline for Assessment and Maintenance (A&M) and Upgrade and Repair (U&R) grants is extended to July 31, 2024.
- Processing deadline for A&M and U&R grant agreements is extended to October 31, 2024
Phase 1 & Phase 2 Grant Applications are currently being accepted by the California Energy Commission on a first-come, first-served basis. Enroll with Veregy through our no-risk services. We have successfully facilitated over $90M in grant funding awards for hundreds of California TK-12 public schools and state agencies.
Enroll Now for No-Risk Comprehensive Services

The CalSHAPE Ventilation and Plumbing Programs
Governor Newsom signed AB-841 on September 30, 2020, creating the School Energy Efficiency Stimulus (SEES) Program, which established the California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency Program (CalSHAPE) Ventilation Program. The Ventilation and Plumbing grant programs are designed to provide funding to California’s TK-12 public schools and all state agencies for assessments, HVAC repairs, and upgrades to HVAC and plumbing systems.
- Phase 2 is now open.
- The California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency Program (CalSHAPE) Ventilation Program released Round 5 funding.
- The plumbing program is now open to all state agencies.
- Deadlines Extended for applications and agreements.
- Funding is limited; CONTACT US NOW!
California local education agencies (LEA) and state agencies may apply for funding for TK-12 public schools and public agency buildings that take service from one of the four investor-owned utilities (IOUs): SDG&E, SCE, SoCal Gas, and PG&E. A state agency includes the University of California, California State Agency, and California Community College, as well as others. This is a time and funding limited program, reach out today learn how Veregy can accelerate your application.

How Much Funding Will You Get?
Enroll with Veregy to receive an estimate of your grant funding potential and a no-cost energy review of your selected schools or buildings. Phase 2 may provide up to $6 million, depending on your district’s average daily attendance.

Enroll Quickly and Easily
The California Energy Commission is currently accepting grant applications on a first-come, first-served basis. Enroll with us as soon as possible to assess your HVAC and plumbing needs at no cost to you. Working with Veregy will help you be one of the first to apply.

Eligible Projects
Phase 1 provides grants to assess, maintain, adjust, repair, or replace heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and replace outdated plumbing fixtures. This includes continuous CO2 monitoring to ensure proper ventilation is maintained. Phase 2 provides grants to replace and repair HVAC units and many of the soft costs, such as electrical and structural upgrades.

Required Qualifications
Licensed professionals, qualified adjusting, and qualified testing personnel are required when performing an assessment, and the Veregy team exceeds these requirements.

Receive Additional Funding
Phase 1 offers 20% contingency funding available for repairs and upgrades to make systems functional and improve indoor air quality. However, the initial grant awards do not include additional funding for repairs, upgrades or replacements above the 20% contingency amount. While concerning for some, the Veregy team understands how to make this work for any size project to ensure you’re grant dollars pay for the things you need.
The CalSHAPE Plumbing Program Highlight
Also created as part of the School Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program, the CalSHAPE Plumbing program provides grants to replace noncompliant plumbing fixtures and appliances that fail to meet California water efficiency standards in schools. Round 5 funding is now open to all state agencies.
- Provides grants to assess and upgrade/replace components of plumbing systems.
- The plumbing systems include fixtures (faucets, showerheads, urinals, toilets) and appliances (commercial dishwashers, automatic ice makers, and commercial clothes washers).
Veregy Understands the Needs of TK-12 Districts and Charters
Since our inception, Veregy has served over 100 LEAs and state agencies and hundreds of their individual schools and buildings throughout California.
Veregy is considered one of the preeminent energy engineering and full-service construction firms. We have garnered over $170 million in grant funds and have developed over $300 million in construction projects for our California clients, helping them to become more efficient and improving their energy and water resiliency.
Taking Advantage of the CalSHAPE Ventilation and Plumbing Programs
First, one must have an assessment of your facilities by qualified and trained technicians. Second, energy saving is a component of the application, and Veregy is a leader in energy engineering, having successfully worked with hundreds of schools throughout California. Third, applications are best submitted early and, most importantly, correctly, and Veregy knows how. There are several things you should know now to get your funds early. Contact us today to see how Veregy can expedite your CalSHAPE application and secure your grant funding.