Veregy in Texas

Simplifying and Accelerating Texas’ Energy Transition

Veregy in Texas – Where Innovation Meets Energy Savings

The vast landscapes of Texas grapple with energy dependence, infrastructure reliability, and environmental concerns such as water scarcity and economic disparities. These challenges are prevalent across Texas’ urban centers and as well as throughout its expansive rural areas; threatening local governments, educational institutions, and businesses alike. At Veregy, we understand the importance of managing energy costs and optimizing building operations to enhance the longevity and functionality of your facilities. As a turnkey provider, we offer comprehensive construction services, ensuring every aspect of your building is energy efficient while enhancing occupant experience.

Our team of experts specialize in energy and facility improvements and are committed to extending the life of your facilities while minimizing operational costs through cutting-edge energy solutions and intelligent building practices. We can help you optimize your whole facility, from HVAC, lighting, building envelope, and building automation/controls to cutting-edge smart building technologies. We can help you to reduce your reliance on your local energy grids with solutions like solar power and geothermal energy. Partner with Veregy in Texas to transform your facility into a pathway for significant operational savings and future-proof your infrastructure for years to come.

Why Partner With Veregy For Your Next Project?
  • Savings to Fund Improvements: Rather than relying on your limited budgets or taxpayer funding, our projects maximize energy and operational cost savings to pay for your project.
  • Guaranteed Results: On many projects, the cost savings we propose are guaranteed, meaning that if you don’t generate the expected savings, we will write you a check for the difference. 
  • Enhanced Environments: From classrooms to community spaces to employee workspaces and beyond, we help you improve comfort within your spaces so that your stakeholders can be proud of the environments where they learn, work, play, and live.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology & Support: Our in-house engineers are experts in building automation and have developed smart building technologies to help you automate tedious processes, monitor facility system performance in real time, measure key performance indicators, and deliver optimal results. Our team remains engaged and offers ongoing support to ensure you maintain positive outcomes for years to come.
  • Unmatched Client Satisfaction: Enjoy peace of mind with a partner you can count on to exceed expectations. Veregy has earned an exceptional client satisfaction rating, and most clients are so pleased that they engage in multiple project phases with us.

Veregy Texas Office

1140 N. Pecan St,
Bells, TX. 75414

Local Government

Cities and counties in Texas face the ongoing challenge of balancing fiscal responsibility with the urgent need for modern, efficient, and resilient infrastructure. Veregy’s holistic approach to energy and infrastructure solutions allow local governments to achieve more with less. Through innovative energy efficiency projects, smart city integrations, and renewable energy installations, we help Texas municipalities navigate budgetary constraints, enhance public services, and drive community development. Our expertise ensures that cities and counties can meet their sustainability goals, reduce operational costs, and foster a healthier, safer environment for all Texans.

Veregy has helped local governments fund critical capital improvement projects that address aging infrastructure, inefficient building systems, and deferred maintenance by upgrading HVAC, lighting, building envelope, building automation/controls, cutting-edge smart building technologies, and more. Reach out to us for a no-cost facility needs assessment or long-term master planning to uncover where you can drive utility savings and operational efficiency. To learn more about how we can help you, visit us here.

K-12 Education

As a school district in Texas, we recognize the unique challenges you face in striving for educational excellence amid resource constraints and significant demographic diversity. Texas schools grapple with vast disparities in educational funding, the necessity for technological advancements, and the urgent demand for facilities that support enhanced learning environments. Veregy is ideally positioned to assist Texas schools by providing energy-efficient solutions and smart building technologies that minimize operational costs and bolster educational outcomes.

In Texas, where educational equity and modernization are paramount, our services focus on creating safe, energy-efficient learning environments that reduce facility expenses while boosting both student and teacher performance. Our team, with deep expertise in energy and facility improvements—can help you improve your school’s HVAC systems, optimize lighting, and create a comprehensive building automation system to deliver significant operational efficiencies and healthier, more comfortable learning spaces.

With Veregy’s support, Texas schools can direct facility cost savings back into crucial educational programs that elevate student well-being and success across the state. Our commitment goes beyond infrastructure to fostering environments that enhance student safety and academic achievements. To discover more about how we can support your district’s goals, visit us here


Higher Education

In the competitive and diverse landscape of Texas higher education, institutions face the dual challenge of staying ahead in sustainability and competitiveness while simultaneously enhancing the campus experience for an ever-growing student and staff population. Veregy collaborates with Texas colleges and universities to implement energy-efficient solutions, smart campus technologies, and sustainable infrastructure projects that drive down costs and reduce environmental impact.

Our team of engineers are experts in implementing HVAC, lighting, building envelope, building automation/controls, and cutting-edge smart building technologies in both the public and private sector. Leveraging our expertise, we optimize savings and operational efficiency across your institution, ensuring every aspect of your facility operates at peak performance. This comprehensive approach not only supports academic excellence but also fosters innovation and sustainability on campus.  

With Veregy, higher education institutions can achieve their goals of providing a superior educational experience in an environmentally responsible and financially sustainable manner. To learn more, visit us here.  

Aviation & Transportation

Veregy has helped more than 47 airports across 21 states adapt to their real-world situations with flexible and creative solutions. We provide airports with complete, beginning-to-end renewable energy solutions as a leading energy service company. With over 30 years of energy efficiency expertise, we have the resources to develop custom strategies and solutions to meet your sustainability goals and objectives. From renewable energy to future-proof your facilities, to terminal renovations complete with HVAC upgrades and digital services to ensure everything continues to run optimally, at Veregy we have the solutions to meet your airport’s changing needs.

With Veregy, airports across the nation can achieve their goals of maintaining best-in-class transportation facilities to keep people moving. As a leader in sustainability, we ensure designs are energy efficient and environmentally friendly in an industry making strides in sustainability and stewardship. To learn more, visit us here.  

Water Management and Conservation

In Texas, where water scarcity poses a significant challenge across diverse sectors, effective water management and conservation are critical to sustainability and operational efficiency. Veregy offers advanced solutions tailored to the unique needs of Texas municipalities, educational institutions, airports, and state government entities, helping them navigate the complexities of water use and conservation.

For municipalities, our water conservation programs are designed to enhance public utility management, ensuring that cities and counties can provide reliable and sustainable water services while managing costs and environmental impact.

In the educational sector, we help schools and universities implement systems that reduce water usage without compromising on facility needs, supporting their sustainability goals while providing a healthy environment for students and staff.

Airports that handle vast numbers of visitors and require stringent water management benefit from our customized solutions that ensure efficiency and compliance with environmental regulations. Similarly, state government facilities equipped with our water management technologies can achieve significant reductions in water consumption, setting a standard for conservation across public sectors.

Partner with Veregy to revolutionize your approach to water management. Our team of experts will assist you in implementing the most effective strategies to conserve water, reduce costs, and maintain compliance with Texas’s stringent environmental standards. To explore how we can support your water management goals, visit us here.

Texas Partnerships

The League of Kansa Municipalities Logo
Missouri Association of Counties Logo


“Ogden City is now realizing over $450,000 in annual savings from our project and will continue our journey to a sustainable community of which this EPC project with McKinstry is an important part.”

Justin Anderson

Professional Engineer, Office of City Engineers, Ogden City, Department of Public Services

“Veregy will provide a level of excellence rarely seen in this day and age. I have been able to contact Veregy at any point day or night, and their response time is always immediate. I cannot begin to express the comfort in knowing, that in the middle of a school play on a Saturday night, Veregy was there to guarantee the comfort level in our auditorium. The heating and air has not worked correctly in our auditorium since the school was built, but [Veregy] was able to correct the issues during this project.”

Chad Belville

Superintendent, Fairfield Union Local Schools

Over the past two years, I have had the pleasure of working with Veregy on repairs and replacement of our heating and cooling control systems. We had recently purchased new HVAC units but were not realizing the efficiency savings because our control systems were not working together. We also looked at the projected annual energy savings and realized it was advantageous for us to move forward with the Veregy project. We are excited to report that in the first five months following completion of the project we have a total savings of $74,835.73.

Marc Kreischer

Superintendent, Bloom-Vernon Local Schools

Texas Case Studies

Fairfield Union Schools Case Study Preview

Southwest High School

Groveport Madison School District Case Study Preview

Adair County Courthouse

The City of Florissant Case Study Preview

A+ Charter Schools

Reynoldsburg Schools Case Study Preview

Jackson County Airport and County-Wide Energy Project


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